As you are creating your stream of income don’t get drowned by your own success.
Trying to go from where you are to where you want to be can be a daunting task.
Often the journey is filled with the highs of progressions and the lows of setbacks.
Anyone can give us the advice of “keep going”, but is that the only advice we need?
What about advice on how to recharge & keep yourself floating above the waves of stress?
In order to float you need buoyancy.
You need as much support from those who support you as you have weight upon you. That is how you achieve buoyancy! The more weight you have on you the more support you need. Your support team can be your family, friends, even business partners. Business partners are okay as long as they know how to leave work at work. If you can’t enjoy a good time out without turning it into a business meeting then you might want to leave those folks back at the office.
Don’t cut people off just because they don’t do what you do.
Who is there to keep you lifted?
Trying to go from where you are to where you want to be can be a daunting task.
Often the journey is filled with the highs of progressions and the lows of setbacks.
Anyone can give us the advice of “keep going”, but is that the only advice we need?
What about advice on how to recharge & keep yourself floating above the waves of stress?
In order to float you need buoyancy.
You need as much support from those who support you as you have weight upon you. That is how you achieve buoyancy! The more weight you have on you the more support you need. Your support team can be your family, friends, even business partners. Business partners are okay as long as they know how to leave work at work. If you can’t enjoy a good time out without turning it into a business meeting then you might want to leave those folks back at the office.
Don’t cut people off just because they don’t do what you do.
Who is there to keep you lifted?
Don’t lose who you are in pursuit of what you want. I am asking us all to find ways to spend time with those that support us. To unplug from the weight of success or what we want. Plug into the source of the power that will carry you to your shores of success. You may not have a lot of time but just make it some quality time.
We all need to take time away from our goals like rest stops on a journey. Rest stops WERE INVENTED TO REST, get out of the vehicle (job) and take pictures. Even on a cruise the ship stops into different ports so we can enjoy what every destination has to offer. What are your rest stops in life and do you schedule them?
Just like we schedule success we have to schedule enjoyment. There was a time I did not understand this principal. I would work even when not at work. I thought working “aint to faint” is what it took to have success. This type of focus wears on you and when you don’t recharge you become less effective. Plus it wears on the people around you. I have seen people lose marriages, friendships and fall into bad health. All because they spent too much time only focused on the goal.
Which day or night is set aside strictly for your enjoyment? I remember when my family set aside every Sunday for family dinner night. All of us got together at my mothers home and brought our families. Those times have long past since many of us have moved and our kids are in college. I am so thankful that it lasted as long as it did. Those times will forever be the glue that keeps us connected no matter how far apart we are. Those times also kept us grounded and recharged. It was at a time when my siblings and I were all creating successful careers. The stresses of the week were challenging and coming together once a week put our why back into perspective.
The reality is you are not your job, your money, your success or your possessions.
There are only two things a human being leaves behind that will benefit the future: his deeds and his words! The people that will remember our deeds, and our words the best, are the people around us. Let’s make sure we don’t forget them. Let’s make sure we spend time with them. Let them be the blessing to us they were meant to be. What good would is it to get to the finish line only to find you don’t recognize anyone there? Our support system will be the ones waving the checkered flag as we cross the finish line to our success.
We all need to take time away from our goals like rest stops on a journey. Rest stops WERE INVENTED TO REST, get out of the vehicle (job) and take pictures. Even on a cruise the ship stops into different ports so we can enjoy what every destination has to offer. What are your rest stops in life and do you schedule them?
Just like we schedule success we have to schedule enjoyment. There was a time I did not understand this principal. I would work even when not at work. I thought working “aint to faint” is what it took to have success. This type of focus wears on you and when you don’t recharge you become less effective. Plus it wears on the people around you. I have seen people lose marriages, friendships and fall into bad health. All because they spent too much time only focused on the goal.
Which day or night is set aside strictly for your enjoyment? I remember when my family set aside every Sunday for family dinner night. All of us got together at my mothers home and brought our families. Those times have long past since many of us have moved and our kids are in college. I am so thankful that it lasted as long as it did. Those times will forever be the glue that keeps us connected no matter how far apart we are. Those times also kept us grounded and recharged. It was at a time when my siblings and I were all creating successful careers. The stresses of the week were challenging and coming together once a week put our why back into perspective.
The reality is you are not your job, your money, your success or your possessions.
There are only two things a human being leaves behind that will benefit the future: his deeds and his words! The people that will remember our deeds, and our words the best, are the people around us. Let’s make sure we don’t forget them. Let’s make sure we spend time with them. Let them be the blessing to us they were meant to be. What good would is it to get to the finish line only to find you don’t recognize anyone there? Our support system will be the ones waving the checkered flag as we cross the finish line to our success.